• We are a contingency-based agency—there are no fees to list accounts in our office! We get paid when we receive consumer payments.
  • We handle all consumer disputes internally, with limited inquiry to our clients, giving your staff the freedom to handle other tasks.
  • We adhere to strict scripting and customer service guidelines, which results in an extremely low level of complaints, helps build rapport, and maintains your client reputation that you’ve worked so hard to earn. 
  • We have extended business hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-8pm, Friday 8am-5pm, and Saturdays 9am-1pm. 
  • We have a secure and compliant website for placement and review of accounts, and detailed reporting that can be accessed 24/7.
  • All accounts are accurately reported to all three major credit bureaus and remain for seven years from the most recent date of service. Many agencies only report to one or two credit bureaus—we’re contracted with all three.
  • We accept accounts as low as $8 and as old as 6 years from the most recent date of service.
  • All accounting of collections sent on a detailed client statement the month following any payments, adjustments, or court costs, with a check enclosed for the net remittance, if applicable.

Worker’s Compensation or personal injury accounts are handled through our subrogation company Healthcare Account Services (HAS), which was founded in 2005. This company handles liability accounts and there is a thorough investigation of accounts to get maximum possible recovery. We negotiate with attorneys on the client’s behalf.

We use specialized skip tracing utilities to obtain the consumer’s current contact information.  We routinely run our consumer database through these utilities to obtain new addresses and contact information for consumers, even if we have not received notice of inaccurate or out-of-date information. We also skip trace accounts all over $500 that come into our office before being entered into our system.

Recovery rates depend on a variety of factors, such as client industry and the age of account. The age of the account is the day it is placed with our office; it carries significant weight on the recovery of accounts. Statistically, the best recovery occurs when accounts are placed with our office around 90-120 days from the most recent date of service. According to the Association of Credit and Collection Professionals, the collection industry average recovery rate is around 14%. With our positive customer service and communication approach to collections, our overall average recovery rate is around 26%, depending on the industry type and age of account.

As a contingency-based agency, there are no fees to list accounts with our office. We get paid when we receive payments for you! Once payment is received by a consumer, the commission is calculated and then billed or remitted to you on the monthly statement. 

Say goodbye to feeling left in the dark after sending accounts to a collection agency! With our complimentary, secure, and compliant online Client Portal (Client Access Web), you are able to check the status of your accounts to see what activity has occurred 24/7. You can always give us a call if you need additional information on any account. When payment is received, we mail a client statement the following month. Our statements are itemized to break down the payment and any changes that have occurred. Due to federal regulations, client statements can be confusing, especially when there are collection fees involved. We encourage you to contact us when you receive your first statement. We’re happy to walk you through it.